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  • polapragada
    09-13 10:19 PM
    I did the remit request when $1 = 44.55 They debited the money same night it self...
    But they haven't credited the money in my bank account yet Its been 7 days.

    They are real frauds

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  • fundo14
    04-25 11:02 AM
    Just contributed $100 through Paypal.

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  • walking_dude
    04-27 10:03 PM
    It's not just 180 daysd before the application, it also includes 180 days AFTER the application.

    This is the current section on 90 days period

    (E)(i) In the case of an application described in clause (ii),
    the employer did not displace and will not displace a United States
    worker (as defined in paragraph (4)) employed by the employer within
    the period beginning 90 days before and ending 90 days after the
    date of filing of any visa petition supported by the application.

    And the ammendment in the new bill

    (1) NONDISPLACEMENT.--Subparagraph (E) of such section 212(n)(1) is amended--
    (A) in clause (i)--
    (i) by striking ``90 days'' both places it appears and inserting ``180 days'';

    Yes, that is my understanding at this point based on the language . As soon as the bill goes into effect, you will need to stop working at the client site if the bill passes in its current form AND you are working as a FT employee (w-2) of a mere placement company (aka agent or desi consulting). If you are an FT employee of big consulting company then until they get waiver for you AND your current client proves that no layoffs were done at the client site in the last 180 days, you will need to stop working.

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  • qasleuth
    03-11 12:35 PM
    How does insulting your own culture help us here ? "Crab mentality" as it is popularly known, exists in numerous cultures across the world. Go google for the term and you will know.

    It reminds me this story every time I visit IV.

    Workers working with an export company which use to ship chickens from all over the world to US/Europe, were packing chickens from some Indian port. Each box was having some 50-70 chickens in it .

    After loading them in, they were about to cover these boxes with the tops. The leader shouts to workers: " No need to put the tops. They wouldn't go any where "

    Surprised with this order, one worker asks the leader 'Why'. The leader says : " These are Indian chickens. IF one tries to escape, other will pull its leg."


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  • ryan
    04-19 09:46 PM
    Found one more without good education.

    LOL! You are pathetic, aren't you. You judge people, yet know little about them. I am a Stern MBA alumni. And I vouch, it didn't bring me much. Education isn't the end all / know it all, when it comes to getting your job done. Thought and those brain cells count. Respect, and the ability to never undermine those who are in the same boat as you, count even more. But hey, do attempt that "Masters" -- perhaps you shall grow up.

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  • indiadivided
    02-14 10:36 AM
    I think Mr. MACACA, it will better if this word (Macaca) is not repeated, since promoting this word might convert this into a word for Indians like the N word. So get your nick changed.

    I have read the above book and other books (lateral thinking, ...) by Edward de bono; he has written a lot of (non expensive) books. I strongly recommend his books to the open minded reader.

    I should also be banned soon. My post was not published on Friday. I did not praise logiclife for the Friday episode. I do understand that my question's will not get answered.

    On the other hand, I see absolutely no content in anand26's posts. Such posts are a complete waste of time for our cause.


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  • gc_check
    01-30 04:44 AM
    This is indeed very good news, if the final rule to eliminate the Labor Cert substitution is approved by OMB and made into a rule and enacted ASAP.

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  • vamsi_poondla
    11-06 02:28 PM
    Well Said! I support you 100% and agree with you totally about this. Fraud is any program is unfair and unjust on everybody, including the H1 holders themselves.

    Your company is not a sample of the entire population. The H1B program is not on-demand program. It is once in an year annual event (because of the demand). US based companies when they get a new project which needs a position, if they cannot hire locally, cannot get H1B worker from overseas when they want. So, in anticipatory mode they have to get some numbers and utilize them and we do lose some H1B visas if they cannot bring them for various reasons.

    Is it fair, may not be. Is it widespread waste, I don't think so.

    Coming to market reality - how many US workers will join a desi consultancy company or India operations based company?


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  • arc
    02-01 01:20 PM
    Yes I agree with you legal immigration is not only EB category, but EB+spouse+child category is the largest when we say Legal Immigration, plus questions are posed by Engineers & Doctors and that automatically tells the person who is reading that it is about EB category. But you are welcome to form your questions and post and we will make sure that that becomes popular. If you see the situation from where I am standing the glass is half full my friend!

    Hope things are going well with you, your research and wisdom is always appriciated.


    Employment based immigration is a very small part of legal immigration.

    Here is a break down of legal immigration #s for 2006 according to Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, published by Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS) (available at Spotlight on Legal Immigration to the United States (http://www.migrationinformation.org/USfocus/display.cfm?id=651) By Gretchen Reinemeyer and Jeanne Batalova | Migration Policy Institute, November 2007).

    1,266,264 immigrants were granted legal residence in 2006.

    159,081 immigrants who received green cards through sponsorship from their US employers accounted for 12.6% of all legal permanent residents.

    However, 87,702 (or 55.1%) of the employment-sponsored immigrants were spouses and children of principal applicants.

    The share of employment-preference immigrants has varied between 3.3 percent (59,525) in 1991 and 22 percent (246,878) in 2005.

    The other categories are family preference (802,712), refugee + asylee (216,454), Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 + parolees (43,546) and Diversity Lottery (44,471).

    Employment based immigration is legal. However, it may help to add legal to the title.

    Employment based immigration is skilled. I think employment based immigration includes cooks, priests, .... They consider themselves to be skilled just like everyone else!

    If you just ask for improving legal immigration, they will improve family based or asylum.

    As some persons learnt yesterday, legal immigration has very low priority as compared to undocumented. Similarly, employment based immigration has no priority in legal immigration!

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  • dummgelauft
    09-03 09:20 AM
    Yes. They would need GC copy and they would update their records.

    Your employer is responsible for keeping a track of your status, not yours. You may provide them a copy of your new status, but you do not have to, unless they ask for it.


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  • sledge_hammer
    02-03 09:53 AM
    I have somewhat uderstood the rulemaking process. What I fail to understand is that since the rule to stop labor substitution is the final rule, does it mean that this rule has been implemented? Or is the next step for OMB to approve the final rule?

    I am confused!

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  • pmb76
    07-15 11:01 PM
    Folks -

    Two pronged approach to fix Lou's bigotry:

    1. Mail an empty trashbag to Lou Dobbs, to reach by July 31
    Let us each mail an empty trashbag with a covering note highlighting how biased and untrue his 'reporting' is.

    Mail to:
    Trashbags for Lou Dobbs Senseless Bigotry
    1 CNN Ctr
    NW Atlanta,
    GA 30303

    Trashbags for Lou Dobbs Senseless Bigotry
    One CNN Center, Box 105366, Atlanta GA 30303

    Imagine, what THOUSANDS OF TRASH BAGS would do in terms of media coverage and buzz!

    Trashbag = $0.05
    Mailing = $0.39
    Opportunity to remedy the bigotry = PRICELESS

    2. File online complaints at following direct links!

    Report Errors on CNN TV
    Send an online report NOW (http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form6a.html?2)

    Send a story idea (on high skill legal immigration)
    Link here (http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form11b.html?2)

    Lou Dobbs Tonight - Comment on the show
    Link here (http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5.html?76)
    "]http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5.html?76 (http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5.html?76)

    These will be more effective than trying to boycott Toyota, or other advertisers. Let us get direct and rebuke CNN for their shameless attacks on high skilled hardworking immigrants who continue the tradition of working towards the Great American Dream.


    That is a wonderful idea. You are a genius. I'm totally for it. Can you please start another thread for this campaign ? Do you think IV core will endorse this ? Say if we decide to send trash bags on a particular day and do a press release. If all IV members send them and CNN is deluged with trash bags ? Man imagine the media coverage !!!


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  • ak27
    06-14 12:04 PM
    I am not sure whether it is name check or something else. Service rep at infopass told me background check has not come back. I have another appointment on Wed and will try to find out which part of background check is pending. Is there anything IV can help me if it happens to name check?

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  • logiclife
    03-08 10:49 AM
    This is in reference to a thread about feeling depressed by retrogression or labor backlogs to stuck FBI namechecks or whatever it is that depresses you. Not criticizing anyone in particular so dont aim for me.

    Yes, and a lot of people know that there are highly skilled people who are depressed and that takes a toll on employee productivity.

    After all, if 90% of your time is spent on thinking about BECs and visa bulletins, imagine if that time was spent on doing the job they've hired you for.

    Some employers(like Microsoft) realize this and want to do something about it. Its not just about keeping the best and brightest here in USA. Its also about keeping the morale and productivity up.

    As to how to deal with this...try this.

    Call your local congressman's office(Find out info about that from House.gov, with your zipcode). Get an appointment with congressman. There is an Easter recess coming up when they would be back from DC.

    Then talk to him about all issues you have. Take all the material you need from the "Volunteer" menu item of this website.

    Doing something about the problem is the best therapy there is. I am not saying this because I want to coax you into meeting your congressman. No. That's not the objective. But I think action is the best remedy for this problem. And there is actionable stuff to do about this. If you are suffering from terminal cancer, then you really cant do anything about that. This is not such a problem. This is a problem for which the solution is out there.

    Somehow, after landing in this country, people lose the appetite for risk and adventure. Before they are in here, they would move mountains to score an H1 or an F1. After coming here, they hunker down, heads-under-the-desk kind of approach. What I am talking about is nearly 200 people right now, who have read this post, but havent logged in. They wouldnt log in. They wouldnt give their real email address if they sign up. They would never contribute. WHY? Because they are afraid. That they will be deported. For no reason. Everything we do is legal, including raising funds and spending it on lobbying. But they are afraid. They are also afraid that by talking to congressmen, they will make them mad and the congressman will pick up the phone, call USCIS and then get their 140 cancelled. Yes. People create their own fastasies and become afraid of them..

    Yesterday, nearly 2000 Irish illegals went to capitol hill (http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/frontpage/2007/0308/1173121325488.html)and talked to various lawmakers to lobby for CIR and legalization. They were illegals. Yet, the somehow managed to walk into the building where laws of this country are made, talk to people who make the laws that they have broken, go thru Capitol Hill security check, and look into the eye of the lawmaker and talk to them.

    However, our community, this is how they behave. Forget about talking to congressman, or contributing money. When they call the core group with a question, they block the caller id can call. Dont disclose their name too. Ask a questions and then quickely hang up. Some of them want to contribute with cash because they are not willing to believe us that we are doing everything legal here and its their right to lobbying and petition the Government for problems.

    After paying taxes, after following all immigration laws, after getting all the education in the world to become "Highly skilled", the highly skilled cant bring themselves to stand-up with a straight spine, thump their desk and talk to their lawmaker.

    So at the end of the day, if we are depressed that legals dont get attention, then you know where to look for blame : the highly skilled who are highly educated and too afraid because their education and skills make them think too much and analyze too much, and they are afraid all the time.


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  • sgomathi
    07-18 01:26 PM
    My lawyer says mine was received on july 1st. I am yet to receive a reply from my lawyer. What will happen to the applications received by USCIS on sunday?

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  • brij523
    07-20 10:35 PM
    gimmi green - Don't you see green around you. Let me tell you how to get green

    1) Use your credit history to purchase additional home in Florida. House purchase in 150000 will be 250000 in year. The market was like that a year back. It takes 8 months to get a house. There is a big line.

    2) Open your own e-business. File E visa. 1/4 million should be easy money if you have stayed here for 10 years.

    3) House listing in only done by realtor. Give option to customer. For fun open a site for people to list their house for sale. Give them free service then charge. Live American way.

    4) Make school in Village. I have made one. I enjoy supporting the school. Grow India.

    5) Don't worry about GC. Do something. Registering a site takes some $35 or 40. Built you site. Use American brain.

    Am I doing it? Yes.. Did I make money? Yes.



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  • srikondoji
    07-10 12:01 PM
    You needn't have a rejection to be part of the lawsuit.
    You can pretty much rely on their revised bulletin and convince the court that your application was/will be rejected and be part of the lawsuit.

    I guess USCIS is getting pretty smart. To be a plaintiff in the lawsuit, your application has to get rejected. By holding your application, it is probably preventing you to be a plaintiff. Smart F***ing A**es

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  • swamy
    11-14 11:40 AM
    I would say ignore. If the hosts dont even use 'controversial' to describe him it's pointless trying to call in - its going to be an 'immigrant hate-fest' whether you call in or not and you are not going to win hearts or change minds. I remember 4 or 5 years ago he was raging against the H1 on air as usual and turned around to his staff and asked if CNN too was using the H1program - and the answer unsurprisingly was 'yes'. He has no sense of shame or a modicum of decency - none of his staff members either. And IV is ill-positioned and too narrowly focussed to take him on in any meaningful way given how a core member spoke against the z-visa (for illegals) to some n.carolina newspaper. But again I could be wrong so someone could give it a shot

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  • natrajs
    09-17 04:50 PM
    I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS...this morning 10:00AM CST we got the CPO emails for both of us...

    I just can not thank Aall of you enough and the IV community for the support they have provided over the last few years - especially since Sept 1.


    I will be around - not going anywhere and will support IV efforts!

    BEST OF LUCK FOR THOSE WHO ARE WAITING...Believe me "appka bhi number aayega" I was loosing hopes - since Sept 1 when saw number of approvals after my PD/RD/ND etc..but there is really nothing that can predict this system.

    Here is my journey - encapsulated:

    PD- June 04
    I485 files on July 2nd 2007 - NSC
    RD 8/4/2207
    SR #1: 9/4/2209
    SR #2" 9/11/2209
    Senator contact: 9/10/2009 and 9/11/2009
    Infopass: 9/15/2009
    CPO emails: 9/17/2009

    Hang in there - open SRs and contact your senators!!!

    Congrats and Best Wishes kubmilegaGC, Finally the pain is over

    Take care

    06-11 04:50 AM
    At least for the consultation phase hire a good lawyer, there are scores of lawsuits filed each year but as long there was no life threatening injuries in an accident you can get out of it. This should not be a criminal conviction and should not hurt your gc process. Again I am just assuming the back up ended in some dent to the other persons vehicle or were they walking and you hit them there were injuries involved.


    06-13 06:39 PM
    if you are unmarried.. Please check with an attorney before filing i485:


    "Luxury of Additional Time to Find a Spouse
    Third, if one is unmarried, the I-485 applicant is given the luxury of more time to choose a spouse. That spouse can enjoy dependent benefits and obtain permanent resident status based on being married prior to approval of the I-485. This is a huge benefit to those who were intending marriage, but need more time for one reason or another. There is an enormous benefit to marrying prior to the approval of the I-485, rather than after. If the marriage takes place after the I-485 is approved, the case becomes a family case and the spouse can be stuck abroad waiting for several years.

    Note: A spouse is not entitled to obtain the "green card" automatically simply by getting married before the I-485 is approved. A spouse who gets married before the I-485 is approved is allowed to file and obtain the H4 visa from abroad and enter the U.S. on an H4 status as long as the principal maintains H1B status.